Key Definitions

During your time completing tasks and developing your work you may come across words and phrases you don't understand. Below are some definitions that you might find useful.

Accurately Acting or performing within care and precision; within acceptable limits from a standard

Advanced Being at a high level; progressive

All All relevant as described in the unit content for a specific area

Appropriate Relevant to the purpose/task

Basic The work comprises the minimum required and provides the base or starting point from which to develop. Responses are simple and not complicated; the simplest and most important facts are included

Basic Gives the minimum required

Brief Accurate and to the point but lacking detail/contextualisation/examples

Clear Focused and accurately expressed, without ambiguity

Comment Present an informed opinion

Communicate Make known, transfer information

Complex Consists of several interwoven parts, all of which relate together

Comprehensive The work is complete and includes everything that is necessary to evidence understanding in terms of both breadth and depth

Confident Exhibiting certainty; having command over one’s information/argument etc

Consider Review and respond to given information Considered Reached after or carried out with careful thought

Create To originate (e.g. to produce a solution to a problem)

Critical Incisive – exposing/recognising flaws

Describe Set out characteristics

Design Work out creatively/systematically

Detail To describe something item by item, giving all the facts

Detailed Point-by-point consideration of (e.g. analysis, argument)

Discuss Present, explain and evaluate salient points (e.g. for/against an argument)

Effective Applies skills appropriately to a task and achieves the desired outcome; Successful in producing a desired or intended result

Efficient Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill and effort

Evaluate Make a qualitative judgement taking into account different factors and using available knowledge/experience Explain Set out the purposes or reasons

Extensive Large in range or scope

Few A small number or amount, not many but more than one

High Advanced in complexity or development Independent Without reliance on others

Limited The work produced is small in range or scope and includes only a part of the information required; it evidences partial, rather than full, understanding

List Document a series of outcomes or events or information

Little A very small amount of evidence, or low number of examples, compared to what was expected, is included in the work

Many A large number of (less than ‘most’ see below)

Most Greatest in amount; the majority of; nearly all of; at least 75% of the content which is expected has been included

Occasionally Occurring, appearing or done infrequently and irregularly

Outline Set out main characteristics

Plan Consider, set out and communicate what is to be done Present 1. Produce an exposition/resumé for an audience (e.g. at the conclusion of the project to demonstrate what has been done and the outcome) 2. Set out (project) aims, content, outcomes and conclusions clearly/logically for the use/ benefit of others

Range The evidence presented is sufficiently varied to give confidence that the knowledge and principles are understood in application as well as in fact

Reasoned Justified, to understand and to make judgments based on practical facts

Relevant Correctly focused on the activity

Simple The work is composed of one part only, either in terms of its demands or in relation to how a more complex task has been interpreted by the learner

Some About 50% of the content which would have been expected is included

Sound Valid, logical, shows the learner has secured relevant knowledge/understanding

Support Teacher gives training, instruction, guidance and advice as appropriate and monitors activities to assist learners in tackling/completing their projects, ensuring authenticity and a fair and accurate assessment

Thorough Extremely attentive to accuracy and detail

Wide The learner has included many relevant details, examples or contexts thus avoiding a narrow or superficial approach, broad approach taken to scope/scale; comprehensive list of examples given